Privacy Consent


When we record and use your personal information we:

  • only access it when we have a good reason
  • only share what is necessary and relevant
  • don’t sell it to commercial organisations

We need to record information about you to help with your enquiry. We have a legitimate interest to do this. Please let us know if you’d like more information about how we’ll use your data.

We need your consent to record and use your special category personal data

We need your explicit consent to use some information, including your ethnicity, religion, health conditions, sexual orientation, trade union membership and political opinion.

If you agree, we’ll use this information, which is known as ‘special category personal data’ to

  • give you advice
  • help us gather data to improve our service
  • support our research in a way that you can’t be identified

We’ll make sure all your information is kept safe in our secure case management system.

We want to make sure our service meets your needs. To help us understand how we’re doing and to improve our service, we may want to contact you at a later date to ask for your feedback.

We’ll decide who we contact for feedback based on the services you used and the advice area. We may also use your special category data so that we hear from different groups.